Will It Bugz With No Source on epel9

Repo Status - Overall Status
Page updated: 2024-04-20 13:50


Bugz With No Source

1512614 NEW Request for enhancement, fcitx-kkc package for Japanese input
2030311 NEW Please branch and build perl-Authen-Krb5 in epel9
2031527 NEW An invalid pointer initialization issue was found in /hw/acpi/pcihp.c:470:9 of QEMU in versions 6.2.0-rc2.
2031776 ASSIGNED Please build libffado for EPEL 9
2032543 NEW [RFE:EPEL9] EPEL9 branch for python-celery
2032550 ASSIGNED [RFE:EPEL9] EPEL9 branch for python-pandas
2032586 NEW [RFE:EPEL9] EPEL9 branch for python-structlog
2032989 NEW [RFE:EPEL9] EPEL9 branch for python-requests-credssp
2033144 NEW Please branch and build python-mysql in epel9
2034521 NEW Please build diffmark for EPEL-9
2034536 ASSIGNED Please build matio for EPEL-9
2034576 NEW Please make centpkg-minimal available in c9s CRB
2036294 ASSIGNED Branch and build python-anymarkup for EPEL 9
2037931 NEW Please branch and build Erlang in epel9
2037932 NEW Please branch and build elixir in epel9
2039709 NEW freeradius-client for EPEL 9
2039711 NEW libdbi for EPEL 9
2041098 ASSIGNED Please branch and build pgpPgAdmin in epel9
2041148 NEW Please branch and build python-certbot-dns-google in epel9
2043725 NEW Please branch and build python-pretend for EPEL 9
2049998 NEW Please build dbus-c++ for EPEL 9
2056563 NEW Please provide apache-commons-fileupload for EPEL-9
2057691 ASSIGNED [RFE: EPEL9] EPEL9 branch for imagefactory-plugins
2058268 ASSIGNED Please branch and build ocaml-menhir in epel9
2058272 NEW Please branch and build ocaml-pcre in epel9
2058274 NEW Please branch and build ocaml-result in epel9
2063311 ASSIGNED Branch and build python-dcrpm for EPEL 9
2063314 ASSIGNED Branch and build python-TestSlide in EPEL9
2063757 NEW Please provide python-sphinxcontrib-asyncio for EPEL-9
2066252 NEW Please branch and build fusioninventory-agent in epel9.
2066744 NEW reposurgeon: please provide epel9 package
2066787 NEW Please branch and build GeoIP in epel9
2069050 NEW Please branch and build git-crypt in epel9
2069069 POST Please branch and build yubioth-desktop in epel9
2069824 NEW EPEL Tracker Tracker
2070134 NEW Please branch and build mkdocs for EPEL 9
2071285 NEW [RFE: EPEL9] EPEL9 branch for jsl
2071325 NEW [RFE: EPEL9] EPEL9 branch for python-pyphen
2071403 NEW [RFE: EPEL9] EPEL9 branch for python-dockerpty
2072500 NEW Please branch and build weasyprint for epel9
2073066 NEW SHA-1 DNSSEC signatures are broken in DEFAULT crypto-policy
2073219 NEW [EPEL9] Please build an EPEL9 build for python-sphinx_rtd_theme
2077606 NEW Please branch and build python-mox3 in epel9
2077627 NEW Please branch and build python-cov-core in epel9
2078904 ASSIGNED EPEL9 builds for python-bitmath
2079681 NEW Please branch and build python-zeep in epel9
2082014 NEW Please branch and build in python-pyrad in epel9
2082082 ASSIGNED Please branch and build google-api-python-client in epel9
2082088 NEW Please branch and build antlr4 in epel9
2082093 NEW Please branch and build python-semantic_version in epel9
2086875 NEW [RFE: EPEL9] EPEL9 branch for rubygem-hiera-eyaml
2088839 NEW Please branch and build ara in epel9
2091155 NEW Request EPEL9 package - sphinx
2091172 NEW Request EPEL9 package - gmsh
2091338 NEW Please branch and build micro for EPEL 9 for x86_64 and aarch64
2092182 NEW Please build qscintilla for EPEL9
2092962 NEW Please branch and build python-graphviz in EPEL 8/9
2093919 NEW [RFE: EPEL9] EPEL9 branch for pysnmp
2099662 ASSIGNED Please build python-basemap for EPEL9
2099690 NEW Please build pygrib for EPEL9
2100076 NEW [EPEL9] Please branch and build python-flask-cors in epel9
2100280 NEW Please branch and build python-straight-plugin in epel9.
2100288 NEW [EPEL9] Please branch and build python-openid in epel9
2104327 MODIFIED rubygem-rails: fails to install from epel9
2105205 ASSIGNED EPEL9 build request for python-ansible-compat
2105438 NEW Please branch and build id3lib in epel9
2105791 NEW Please branch and build rabbitmq-server for EPEL 9
2106201 NEW [RFE:EPEL9] EPEL9 branch for python-binaryornot
2107292 NEW Add emacs-yaml-mode to EPEL 9
2115967 NEW spawn-fcgi missing from EPEL 9
2116984 ASSIGNED Please branch and build python-twine in epel9
2117517 NEW Request to build docker-compose for EPEL 9
2120564 NEW Please branch and build easytag in EPEL9
2122122 NEW Request to package python-flask-restful for epel9
2123287 NEW Please branch and build clamsmtp in epel9
2124570 NEW [RFE: EPEL9] EPEL9 branch for certwatch
2124905 NEW Please build python-xvfbwrapper for EPEL9
2125016 NEW rss2email EPEL9
2125638 NEW build qgis in epel9
2125979 NEW Please branch and build python-pytest-httpx in epel9
2126103 NEW Please branch and build mash in epel9
2128213 NEW Please branch and build python-semantic_version in EPEL 9
2129518 NEW [EPEL9] Please provide httpd-itk for EPEL9
2130027 NEW please build python-dialog for EPEL9
2131006 NEW Please branch and build fasttext in epel9
2132048 NEW Please branch and build ttembed in epel9.
2132727 NEW Please branch and build python-ephem in epel9.
2133176 NEW Please release it for EPEL-9
2133218 NEW Please branch and build wondershaper in epel9
2135011 NEW Build fluxbox for epel9
2135917 NEW Please branch and build unifdef in epel9
2137362 NEW Please branch and build open-eid in epel9
2137795 NEW Please build python-aiosqlite for epel9
2138164 NEW Please provide an epel9 branch of flask-login
2142695 NEW Please branch and build webalizer in epel9
2144649 NEW Please branch and build hylafax+ in epel9
2145153 ASSIGNED Please branch and build pam_mount in epel9.
2151420 NEW branch and build rbtools for epel9
2151724 NEW Please branch and build aisleriot in epel9.
2152745 NEW Please make python3-mitogen available in EPEL 9
2153663 NEW [EPEL9 ] Please build an EPEL9 build for tinc
2156779 NEW Please provide miller for EPEL-9
2156917 NEW Please branch and build rtpproxy for EPEL 9
2157884 NEW Please branch and build davfs2 in epel9.
2158488 NEW Please branch and build python-nbconvert in epel9
2158505 ASSIGNED Please branch and build python-nbformat in epel9
2159474 NEW [EPEL9] Please build libcxx on EPEL9
2159950 NEW Please branch and/or build erlang 25 in EPEL 9 and 8
2161706 NEW Please branch and build libusbauth-configparser in epel9
2161707 NEW Please branch and build usbauth in epel9
2161708 NEW Please branch and build usbauth-notifier in epel9
2163024 NEW Please branch and build z80asm in epel9
2167186 NEW Branch request: tesseract-tessdata for EPEL9
2167287 ASSIGNED Please branch and build seamonkey in epel9
2169000 NEW Please branch and build python-flask-sqlalchemy in epel9
2169972 NEW geoipupdate not found in EPEL 9
2170131 NEW Please branch and build python-requests-futures in epel9
2173633 NEW perl-DBIx-Safe required package for Bucardo missing in EPEL9
2173789 NEW Please build sqlitebrowser for EPEL9
2175954 NEW RFE: python-anyjson for epel9
2176450 NEW Build CGI::FormBuilder for EPEL9
2177182 NEW CGAL builds are absent in EPEL despite the packages can be built without problems
2184754 NEW Please branch and build coccinelle in epel9
2190215 NEW Make Tomcat 10 available through EPEL
2191660 NEW Add sslh to EPEL9
2203445 NEW Please branch and build qemu for epel9
2207735 ASSIGNED Please branch and build gnucash in epel9.
2209458 ASSIGNED Please branch and build antlr3 in epel9.
2209672 NEW FTBFS: BuildRequires antlr3
2210035 NEW Please branch and build ipmiutil in epel9
2210155 NEW Please branch and build daemonize in epel9
2210432 NEW [EPEL9] Please branch and build vagrant in EPEL9
2210587 NEW Please branch and build fleet-commander-admin in epel9
2211202 NEW Please branch and build python3-astropy in EPEL 9
2211732 ASSIGNED Please build an EPEL9 build for python-avocado
2215973 NEW Please branch and build rpl in epel9
2219099 NEW Please branch and build NetworkManager-strongswan and NetworkManager-strongswan-gnome in epel9.
2219909 NEW Please branch and build rclone-browser in epel9
2221804 NEW Please branch and build glslang in epel9
2223349 NEW Please branch and build python-jsonpath-rw in epel9
2232692 NEW Please branch and build virglrenderer in epel9
2238001 NEW Please add python-netifaces to EPEL 8 and EPEL 9
2242985 NEW Please branch and build heaptrack in epel9
2243079 NEW Please branch and build python-Levenshtein in epel9
2250956 NEW Please branch and build dnsenum in epel9 and epel8
2250962 NEW Please branch and build python-rpyc in epel9
2250967 NEW Please branch and build oidentd in epel9.
2252938 NEW Please branch and build pungi in epel9
2252939 NEW Please branch and build odcs in epel9
2259996 NEW please build perl-Authen-Passphrase for EPEL9
2260536 NEW Please add LXQt to EPEL9
2262602 NEW Please branch and build fira-code-fonts in epel9
2263191 ASSIGNED Please branch and build scikit-image package in EPEL9
2264897 NEW Please make noip available in EPEL9
2265623 NEW please update python3-requests to >= 2.26.0
2266737 NEW Please branch and build python-pretend in epel9
2267138 NEW Request to package beanstalkd for EPEL 9
2267446 NEW Please branch and build remind in epel9
2267447 NEW Please branch and build perl-Gtk2 in epel9
2267448 NEW Please branch and build perl-Pango in epel9
2267994 NEW Request to add ois package to EPEL 9
2270458 NEW Please branch and build coin-or-CoinUtils in epel9
2270463 NEW Please branch and build coin-or-Ipopt in epel9
2273373 NEW Pgpool is absent on EPEL9
2274009 NEW Please branch and build nebula in epel9 (& epel8)
2274043 NEW rootsh is missing in epel9
2274629 NEW Please branch and build artwiz-aleczapka-fonts in epel9
2274636 ASSIGNED Please branch and build python-django4.2 in epel9
2274649 NEW Please branch and build python-psycopg3 in epel9
2275110 ON_QA Please branch and build reprepro in epel9
2275148 ON_QA Please branch and build python-multi_key_dict in epel9
2275275 NEW EPEL9 request: perl-PDL
2275818 NEW Please branch and build zile in epel9
2275819 NEW Please branch and build miller in epel9