clamav Info

clamav was added to epel9 repo on 2021-12-23
Page updated: 2025-03-31 01:59
Repo Status - Overall Status

Source NVR: clamav-1.0.8-1.el9 (2022-08-05)

Binary Packages

clamav clamav-1.0.8-1.el9
clamav-data clamav-data-1.0.8-1.el9
clamav-devel clamav-devel-1.0.8-1.el9
clamav-doc clamav-doc-1.0.8-1.el9
clamav-filesystem clamav-filesystem-1.0.8-1.el9
clamav-freshclam clamav-freshclam-1.0.8-1.el9
clamav-lib clamav-lib-1.0.8-1.el9
clamav-milter clamav-milter-1.0.8-1.el9
clamd clamd-1.0.8-1.el9


2292382 NEW clamav-freshclam.service Type=
2292383 NEW clamav-freshclam.service OnErrorExecute and SELinux
2303826 NEW Unable to send mail notification, when an virus will found.

Install Failures