breeze-icon-theme Info

breeze-icon-theme was added to epel8 repo on 2020-01-04
Page updated: 2025-01-18 15:41
Repo Status - Overall Status

Source NVR: breeze-icon-theme-5.96.0-1.el8 (2021-11-23)

Binary Packages

breeze-icon-theme breeze-icon-theme-5.96.0-1.el8
breeze-icon-theme-rcc breeze-icon-theme-rcc-5.96.0-1.el8


2126995 NEW CVE-2021-43138 breeze-icon-theme: async: Prototype Pollution in async [epel-8]
2135441 NEW CVE-2022-3517 breeze-icon-theme: nodejs-minimatch: ReDoS via the braceExpand function [epel-all]
2142451 NEW CVE-2022-39353 breeze-icon-theme: xmldom: Allows multiple root elements in a DOM tree [epel-all]
2151099 NEW CVE-2022-24999 breeze-icon-theme: express: "qs" prototype poisoning causes the hang of the node process [epel-8]
2210853 NEW CVE-2021-21366 breeze-icon-theme: xmldom: incorrect parsing and serialization leads to unexpected behavior [epel-8]
2220673 NEW CVE-2023-26136 breeze-icon-theme: tough-cookie: prototype pollution in cookie memstore [epel-all]
2222507 NEW CVE-2022-25883 breeze-icon-theme: nodejs-semver: Regular expression denial of service [epel-all]

Install Failures