connman Info

connman was added to epel7 repo on 2014-03-25
Page updated: 2024-04-20 21:14
Repo Status - Overall Status

Source NVR: connman-1.22-1.el7 (2014-03-27)

Binary Packages

connman connman-1.22-1.el7
connman-devel connman-devel-1.22-1.el7


1483721 NEW CVE-2017-12865 connman: Stack-based buffer overflow in parse_response function in src/dnsproxy.c [epel-7]
1488771 NEW CVE-2017-5716 connman: Buffer overflow in connection manager daemon [epel-7]
1926242 NEW CVE-2021-26675 connman: stack buffer overflow that can be used to execute code by network adjacent attackers [epel-7]
1926247 NEW CVE-2021-26676 connman: remote stack information leak [epel-7]
2045027 NEW CVE-2022-23096 CVE-2022-23097 CVE-2022-23098 connman: Multiple vulnerabilities in connman's dnsproxy component [epel-7]
2151676 NEW CVE-2022-32292 connman: out-of-bounds write in received_data() in gweb/gweb.c [epel-7]
2151678 NEW CVE-2022-32293 connman: use-after-free in WISPR handling [epel-7]
2186338 NEW CVE-2023-28488 connman: stack-based buffer overflow in client.c [epel-7]

Install Failures