amarok Info

amarok was added to epel7 repo on 2014-06-26
Page updated: 2024-04-20 21:14
Repo Status - Overall Status

Source NVR: amarok-2.8.0-19.el7 (2016-01-02)

Binary Packages

amarok amarok-2.8.0-19.el7
amarok-doc amarok-doc-2.8.0-19.el7
amarok-libs amarok-libs-2.8.0-19.el7
amarok-nepomukcollection amarok-nepomukcollection-2.8.0-19.el7
amarok-utils amarok-utils-2.8.0-19.el7


1849024 NEW CVE-2020-13152 amarok: remote user can create a specially crafted M3U file when loaded by the target user, will trigger a memory leak [epel-7]

Install Failures