Repo Status -
Overall Status
Page updated: 2024-11-16 22:58
2303880 | ASSIGNED | EPEL 10 Tracker |
2303891 | NEW | Please branch and build fsverity-utils in epel10 |
2304324 | NEW | [RFE:EPEL10] EPEL10 branch of tigervnc |
2307291 | NEW | Please branch and build sshpass in epel10 |
2307412 | NEW | [RFE:EPEL10] EPEL10 branch of pam_script |
2307539 | NEW | Please branch and build gmime30 in epel10 |
2307589 | NEW | Please branch and build etcd in epel10 |
2308780 | NEW | Please branch and build python-matplotlib in epel10 |
2308946 | ASSIGNED | [RFE:EPEL10] Please branch and build python-httpbin for EPEL10 |
2308951 | NEW | [RFE:EPEL10] Please branch and build ansible for EPEL10 |
2309443 | ASSIGNED | [RFE:EPEL10] Please branch and build python-pycurl for EPEL10 |
2309498 | ON_QA | [RFE:EPEL10] Please branch and build gi-docgen for EPEL10 |
2309504 | NEW | [RFE:EPEL10] Please branch and build unifdef for EPEL10 |
2309509 | NEW | [RFE:EPEL10] Please branch and build webkitgtk for EPEL10 |
2310349 | NEW | [RFE:EPEL10] Please branch and build python-flask for EPEL10 |
2310911 | ASSIGNED | [RFE:EPEL10] EPEL10 branch of openh264 |
2311291 | NEW | [RFE:EPEL10] EPEL10 branch and build python-paramiko |
2311555 | ON_QA | Please branch and build frei0r-plugins for EPEL 10 |
2311649 | NEW | Please branch and build python-gevent in epel10 |
2311824 | NEW | Please branch and build ykclient in epel10 |
2312457 | ASSIGNED | Please branch and build mosquitto in epel10 |
2312458 | NEW | Please branch and build portaudio in epel10 |
2312459 | NEW | Please branch and build spandsp in epel10 |
2313676 | ON_QA | Please branch and build perl-Term-ReadLine-Gnu for EPEL10 |
2313791 | NEW | Please branch and build python-pytest-relaxed for EPEL 10 |
2313795 | ASSIGNED | Please branch and build python-bcrypt for EPEL 10 |
2313930 | ASSIGNED | impressive: fails to install from epel10 |
2313978 | NEW | Please branch and build opusfile in epel10 |
2313994 | NEW | [RFE:EPEL10] Please branch and build SDL2_ttf for EPEL 10 |
2313995 | NEW | Please branch and build python-pycryptodomex for epel10 |
2314001 | NEW | [RFE:EPEL10] Please branch and build SDL2_mixer for EPEL 10 |
2314002 | NEW | [RFE:EPEL10] Please branch and build pygame for EPEL 10 |
2314006 | ON_QA | Please branch and build gucharmap for EPEL 10 |
2314465 | ON_QA | Please branch and build linkchecker in epel10 |
2314523 | ASSIGNED | Please branch and build python-zope-testrunner in epel10 |
2314524 | ASSIGNED | Please branch and build python-zope-exceptions in epel10 |
2314525 | ASSIGNED | Please branch and build python-repoze-sphinx-autointerface in epel10 |
2315312 | NEW | Please branch and build p7zip for EPEL 10 |
2315402 | ASSIGNED | Please build python-jaraco-test for EPEL-10 |
2315446 | ASSIGNED | Build python-jaraco-collections for epel10 |
2315452 | NEW | Please branch and build gtksourceview4 for EPEL 10 |
2315560 | ASSIGNED | Please branch and build uboot-tools in epel10 |
2316273 | ON_QA | Please branch and build xine-lib for EPEL 10 |
2316503 | NEW | Please branch and build lirc for EPEL 10 |
2316989 | NEW | Please branch and build python-setuptools-rust in epel10 |
2317795 | NEW | Please branch and build daala for EPEL 10 |
2317809 | NEW | Please branch and build vlc for EPEL 10 |
2317814 | ASSIGNED | Please branch and build wxGTK for EPEL 10 |
2317869 | POST | Please branch and build cmark in epel10 |
2318264 | ASSIGNED | Please branch and build lsp-plugins in epel10 |
2318269 | ASSIGNED | Please branch and build mxml in epel10 |
2318295 | ON_QA | Please branch and build opencv for EPEL 10 |
2318296 | ON_QA | Please branch and build gdal for EPEL 10 |
2318426 | NEW | Please branch and build python-soupsieve for EPEL 10 |
2318480 | ASSIGNED | Please branch and build radicale in epel10 and epeln |
2319128 | NEW | Please branch and build firebird for EPEL 10 |
2319777 | NEW | Please branch and build php-pecl-redis6 for EPEL 10 |
2319785 | ASSIGNED | Please branch and build python-keyring for EPEL 10 |
2319786 | NEW | Please branch and build cppcheck for EPEL 10 |
2319809 | ASSIGNED | Please branch and build python-django for EPEL 10 |
2319812 | NEW | Please branch and build python-rich for EPEL 10 |
2319896 | NEW | Please branch and build fedpkg for EPEL 10 |
2319897 | ON_QA | Please branch and build koji for EPEL 10 |
2319898 | NEW | Please branch and build bodhi-client for EPEL 10 |
2319899 | ASSIGNED | Please branch and build python-fasjson-client for EPEL 10 |
2320143 | NEW | OS Placement not included |
2320292 | ON_QA | Please branch and build libchewing for EPEL 10 |
2320835 | NEW | Please branch and build python-pytest-cov in epel10 |
2320838 | NEW | Please branch and build pylint in epel10 |
2320845 | NEW | Please branch and build msmtp in epel10 |
2320846 | MODIFIED | Please branch and build proxychains-ng in epel10 |
2320857 | NEW | Please branch and build python3-pika in epel10 |
2320859 | NEW | Please branch and build python-pygraphviz in epel10 |
2320989 | NEW | Please branch and build python-dill in epel10 |
2320992 | ASSIGNED | Please branch and build python-mccabe in epel10 |
2321094 | NEW | Please branch and build python-twisted in epel10 |
2321219 | ASSIGNED | please branch and build libofx for epel10 |
2321318 | ON_QA | Please branch and build python-numpydoc in epel10 |
2321321 | ASSIGNED | Please branch and build python-sphinx-gallery in epel10 |
2321338 | ASSIGNED | Please branch and build python-passlib for EPEL 10 |
2321357 | NEW | please branch and build libxml++ for epel10 |
2321372 | ON_QA | Please branch and build python-pytest-benchmark for epel10 |
2321373 | ON_QA | Please branch and build python-cpuinfo in epel10. |
2321395 | NEW | Please branch and build python-sphinx-autodoc-typehints in epel10 |
2321516 | NEW | Please branch and build knot in epel10 |
2321521 | NEW | Please branch and build knot-resolver in epel10 |
2322110 | ON_QA | Please branch and build rlwrap for EPEL 10 |
2322117 | ON_QA | Please branch and build libplacebo for EPEL 10 |
2322118 | ON_QA | Please branch and build python-glad2 for EPEL 10 |
2322454 | ASSIGNED | Missing clamav for EPEL-10 |
2322613 | NEW | Branch and build libnice in epel10 |
2322790 | ASSIGNED | Please branch and build golang-github-facebook-time in epel10 |
2322953 | ON_QA | Please branch and build python-recommonmark for EPEL 10 |
2322956 | ON_QA | python-requests-mock: add to epel10 |
2322995 | NEW | fedora mate-desktop-it[81609]: unable to create file '/run/user/1001/dconf/user': Permission denied. |
2323757 | ASSIGNED | Please branch and build khard in epel10 |
2323764 | ASSIGNED | Please branch and build python-unidecode in epel10 |
2323767 | ASSIGNED | Please branch and build vdirsyncer in epel10 |
2323769 | NEW | Please branch and build etckeeper in epel10 |
2323771 | ASSIGNED | Please branch and build python-dulwich in epel10 |
2323777 | NEW | Please branch and build python-setuptools-gettext in epel10 |
2323847 | NEW | Branch and build cryptopp for epel10 |
2323848 | NEW | Branch and build pugixml for epel10 |
2323994 | ASSIGNED | Please branch and build htop in epel10 |
2324001 | NEW | Please branch and build jc in epel10 |
2324061 | ASSIGNED | Please branch and build python-authres in epel10 |
2324062 | NEW | Please branch and build python-pycares in epel10 |
2324064 | NEW | Please branch and build python-aiodns in epel10 |
2324066 | ASSIGNED | Please branch and build python-dkimpy in epel10 |
2324079 | ASSIGNED | Please branch and build libindicator in epel10 |
2324088 | ASSIGNED | Please branch and build libappindicator in epel10 |
2324160 | NEW | Please branch and build python-cherrypy in epel10 |
2324169 | NEW | Please branch and build python-zc-lockfile in epel10 |
2324170 | NEW | Please branch and build python-cheroot in epel10 |
2324187 | ASSIGNED | Please branch and build python-jaraco-text in epel10 |
2324195 | ASSIGNED | Please branch and build python-jaraco-packaging in epel10 |
2324280 | NEW | Please branch and build python-pytest-httpserver in epel10 |
2324741 | NEW | Please branch and build ant-contrib in epel10 |
2324797 | NEW | Please branch and build bouncycastle in epel10 |
2324823 | NEW | Please branch and build parallel in epel10 |
2324993 | NEW | Please branch and build python3-colorlog in epel10 |
2325130 | NEW | Please branch and build swaks in epel10 |
2325131 | ON_QA | Please branch and build perl-Authen-DigestMD5 in epel10 |
2325188 | NEW | Please branch and build libgsasl in epel10 |
2325195 | NEW | Please branch and build libidn in epel10 |
2325196 | NEW | Please branch and build libntlm in epel10 |
2325204 | NEW | Please branch and build rpkg in epel10 |
2325205 | ON_QA | Please branch and build python3-authlib in epel10 |
2325209 | ON_QA | Please branch and build python3-requests-kerberos in epel10 |
2325211 | NEW | Please branch and build python3-openidc-client in epel10 |
2325213 | NEW | Branch and build gupnp-igd in epel10 |
2325214 | NEW | Please branch and build python3-cccolutils in epel10 |
2325216 | NEW | Branch and build gupnp in epel10 |
2325219 | NEW | Branch and build gssdp in epel10 |
2325224 | ON_QA | Please branch and build python-tabulate in epel10 |
2325246 | NEW | Please branch and build certbot in epel10 |
2325258 | NEW | Please branch and build google-gson in epel10 |
2325268 | ON_QA | Please branch and build python-sphinx-copybutton in epel10 |
2325291 | ON_QA | Please branch and build python-pytest-param-files in epel10 |
2325293 | ON_QA | Please branch and build python-sphinx-pytest in epel10 |
2325337 | NEW | Please branch and build python3-multilib in epel10 |
2325348 | NEW | Please branch and build qpid-proton in epel10 |
2325558 | ON_QA | Please branch and build gv in epel10 |
2325646 | ASSIGNED | Please branch and build golang-x-tools in epel10 |
2325903 | ON_QA | Please branch and build js-jquery-ui for EPEL 10 |
2325907 | NEW | Please branch and build python-cairocffi in epel10 |
2325908 | NEW | Please branch and build python-pikepdf in epel10 |
2325925 | NEW | Please branch and build texlive in epel10 |
2325989 | NEW | Please branch and build gpsbabel for EPEL 10 |
2325996 | NEW | Please branch and build pybind11 in epel10 |
2326336 | NEW | Please branch and build openvpn in epel10 |
2326338 | NEW | Please branch and build NetworkManager-openvpn in epel10 |
2326423 | NEW | Please branch and build python-argon2-cffi in epel10 |