Will It Bugz With No Source on epel10

Repo Status - Overall Status
Page updated: 2024-12-17 18:15


Bugz With No Source

2070134 ASSIGNED Please branch and build mkdocs for EPEL 10
2303880 ASSIGNED EPEL 10 Tracker
2303891 NEW Please branch and build fsverity-utils in epel10
2304324 NEW [RFE:EPEL10] EPEL10 branch of tigervnc
2307291 NEW Please branch and build sshpass in epel10
2307412 NEW [RFE:EPEL10] EPEL10 branch of pam_script
2307539 NEW Please branch and build gmime30 in epel10
2307589 NEW Please branch and build etcd in epel10
2308780 POST Please branch and build python-matplotlib in epel10
2308946 ASSIGNED [RFE:EPEL10] Please branch and build python-httpbin for EPEL10
2308951 NEW [RFE:EPEL10] Please branch and build ansible for EPEL10
2309504 NEW [RFE:EPEL10] Please branch and build unifdef for EPEL10
2309509 NEW [RFE:EPEL10] Please branch and build webkitgtk for EPEL10
2310349 ON_QA [RFE:EPEL10] Please branch and build python-flask for EPEL10
2310911 ASSIGNED [RFE:EPEL10] EPEL10 branch of openh264
2311291 NEW [RFE:EPEL10] EPEL10 branch and build python-paramiko
2311824 NEW Please branch and build ykclient in epel10
2312457 ASSIGNED Please branch and build mosquitto in epel10
2312458 NEW Please branch and build portaudio in epel10
2312459 NEW Please branch and build spandsp in epel10
2313795 ASSIGNED Please branch and build python-bcrypt for EPEL 10
2313930 ASSIGNED impressive: fails to install from epel10
2313978 MODIFIED Please branch and build opusfile in epel10
2313994 NEW [RFE:EPEL10] Please branch and build SDL2_ttf for EPEL 10
2313995 NEW Please branch and build python-pycryptodomex for epel10
2314001 NEW [RFE:EPEL10] Please branch and build SDL2_mixer for EPEL 10
2314002 NEW [RFE:EPEL10] Please branch and build pygame for EPEL 10
2314523 ASSIGNED Please branch and build python-zope-testrunner in epel10
2314524 ASSIGNED Please branch and build python-zope-exceptions in epel10
2314525 ASSIGNED Please branch and build python-repoze-sphinx-autointerface in epel10
2315312 NEW Please branch and build p7zip for EPEL 10
2315402 ASSIGNED Please build python-jaraco-test for EPEL-10
2315446 ASSIGNED Build python-jaraco-collections for epel10
2315452 NEW Please branch and build gtksourceview4 for EPEL 10
2315560 ASSIGNED Please branch and build uboot-tools in epel10
2316503 NEW Please branch and build lirc for EPEL 10
2316989 NEW Please branch and build python-setuptools-rust in epel10
2317795 NEW Please branch and build daala for EPEL 10
2317809 NEW Please branch and build vlc for EPEL 10
2317814 ASSIGNED Please branch and build wxGTK for EPEL 10
2318264 ASSIGNED Please branch and build lsp-plugins in epel10
2318269 ASSIGNED Please branch and build mxml in epel10
2318426 NEW Please branch and build python-soupsieve for EPEL 10
2318480 ASSIGNED Please branch and build radicale in epel10 and epeln
2319128 NEW Please branch and build firebird for EPEL 10
2319785 ASSIGNED Please branch and build python-keyring for EPEL 10
2319786 NEW Please branch and build cppcheck for EPEL 10
2319809 ASSIGNED Please branch and build python-django for EPEL 10
2319812 NEW Please branch and build python-rich for EPEL 10
2319896 NEW Please branch and build fedpkg for EPEL 10
2319899 ASSIGNED Please branch and build python-fasjson-client for EPEL 10
2320143 NEW OS Placement not included
2320835 NEW Please branch and build python-pytest-cov in epel10
2320838 NEW Please branch and build pylint in epel10
2320845 NEW Please branch and build msmtp in epel10
2320857 NEW Please branch and build python3-pika in epel10
2320859 NEW Please branch and build python-pygraphviz in epel10
2320992 ASSIGNED Please branch and build python-mccabe in epel10
2321094 NEW Please branch and build python-twisted in epel10
2321219 ASSIGNED please branch and build libofx for epel10
2321321 ASSIGNED Please branch and build python-sphinx-gallery in epel10
2321338 ASSIGNED Please branch and build python-passlib for EPEL 10
2321357 NEW please branch and build libxml++ for epel10
2321395 NEW Please branch and build python-sphinx-autodoc-typehints in epel10
2321516 ON_QA Please branch and build knot in epel10
2321521 ASSIGNED Please branch and build knot-resolver in epel10
2322454 ASSIGNED Missing clamav for EPEL-10
2322613 NEW Branch and build libnice in epel10
2322790 ASSIGNED Please branch and build golang-github-facebook-time in epel10
2322995 NEW fedora mate-desktop-it[81609]: unable to create file '/run/user/1001/dconf/user': Permission denied.
2323767 ASSIGNED Please branch and build vdirsyncer in epel10
2323769 NEW Please branch and build etckeeper in epel10
2323771 ASSIGNED Please branch and build python-dulwich in epel10
2323847 NEW Branch and build cryptopp for epel10
2324160 NEW Please branch and build python-cherrypy in epel10
2324169 NEW Please branch and build python-zc-lockfile in epel10
2324170 NEW Please branch and build python-cheroot in epel10
2324187 ASSIGNED Please branch and build python-jaraco-text in epel10
2324195 ASSIGNED Please branch and build python-jaraco-packaging in epel10
2324280 NEW Please branch and build python-pytest-httpserver in epel10
2324741 NEW Please branch and build ant-contrib in epel10
2324823 NEW Please branch and build parallel in epel10
2325188 NEW Please branch and build libgsasl in epel10
2325196 NEW Please branch and build libntlm in epel10
2325204 NEW Please branch and build rpkg in epel10
2325211 NEW Please branch and build python3-openidc-client in epel10
2325213 NEW Branch and build gupnp-igd in epel10
2325214 ASSIGNED Please branch and build python3-cccolutils in epel10
2325216 NEW Branch and build gupnp in epel10
2325219 NEW Branch and build gssdp in epel10
2325246 NEW Please branch and build certbot in epel10
2325258 NEW Please branch and build google-gson in epel10
2325646 ASSIGNED Please branch and build golang-x-tools in epel10
2326336 ASSIGNED Please branch and build openvpn in epel10
2326338 NEW Please branch and build NetworkManager-openvpn in epel10
2326423 NEW Please branch and build python-argon2-cffi in epel10
2326965 ON_QA Please branch and build amavis for EPEL-10
2326997 NEW Please branch and build fann for EPEL-10
2327000 NEW Please branch and build matio for EPEL-10
2327568 MODIFIED sasutils: fails to install from epel10
2327569 MODIFIED smp_utils: add to EPEL 10
2327627 NEW Please branch and build mujs in epel10
2327630 ON_QA Please branch and build cdrkit in epel10
2327647 NEW Please branch and build ssh-audit in epel9 + epel10
2327826 NEW Please branch and build leveldb for EPEL-10
2327858 ON_QA Please branch and build python-funcy in epel10
2327870 MODIFIED Please branch and build python-natsort in epel10
2327896 ON_QA Please branch and build python-semver in epel10
2328756 NEW ShellCheck: please provide epel10 package
2328757 NEW [RFE:EPEL10] EPEL10 branch of checksec
2328787 ASSIGNED nagios-plugins-check-updates: fails to install from epel10
2328810 NEW Please branch and build nagios-plugins in epel10
2328844 ON_QA Please branch and build ansible-packaging in epel10
2328845 ON_QA Please branch and build ansible-collection-community-general in epel10
2328883 NEW Please branch and build waf for EPEL-10
2328887 NEW Please branch and build GraphicsMagick for EPEL-10
2328890 NEW Please branch and build libtomcrypt for EPEL 10
2329315 ASSIGNED Please branch and build bats for epel-10
2329667 ON_QA Please branch and build python-kiwisolver in epel10
2329668 MODIFIED Please branch and build fonttools in epel10
2329748 ON_QA Please branch and build python-cppy in epel10
2329756 NEW Please branch and build python-lz4 in epel10
2329774 NEW Please branch and build python-pkgconfig in epel10
2330009 NEW Please branch and build python3-incremental in epel10
2330025 NEW Please branch and build python3-snappy in epel10
2330576 ON_QA Please branch and build python3-dotenv in epel10
2330581 NEW Please branch and build python3-sphinx-notfound-page in epel10
2330583 ON_QA Please branch and build python3-blinker in epel10
2331004 NEW Please branch and build python3-gunicorn in epel10
2331006 NEW Please branch and build python3-multidict in epel10
2331013 NEW Please branch and build python3-parso in epel10
2331014 NEW Please branch and build python3-docopt in epel10
2331016 NEW Please branch and build ipython in epel10
2331018 NEW Please branch and build python3-jedi in epel10
2331019 ASSIGNED Please branch and build python3-pickleshare in epel10
2331020 NEW Please branch and build python3-stack-data in epel10
2331021 NEW Please branch and build python3-pure-eval in epel10
2331023 ON_QA Please branch and build python3-fields in epel10
2331238 NEW Please branch and build python3-h2 in epel10
2331239 NEW Please branch and build python3-hpack in epel10
2331257 NEW Please branch and build python3-hyperframe in epel10
2331258 NEW Please branch and build python3-hamcrest in epel10
2331259 NEW Please branch and build python3-subunit in epel10
2331261 NEW Please branch and build python3-iso8601 in epel10
2331299 NEW please branch and build gengetopt for epel10
2331415 NEW request adding log4c to epel 10
2331416 ASSIGNED request adding libjwt to epel 10
2331417 NEW request adding spandsp to epel 10
2331998 NEW Please branch and build inotify-tools for EPEL10
2332346 NEW [RFE:EPEL10] EPEL10 branch of remmina
2332348 ON_QA It doesn't exist in epel10.
2332365 NEW golang-x-crypto: please provide epel10 package
2332366 NEW golang-x-text: please provide epel10 package
2332422 NEW Please branch and build rkhunter in EPEL10
2332436 NEW Please branch and build python3-aiohttp in epel10
2332454 ON_QA Please branch and build python-botocore in epel10
2332457 ON_QA build python-boto3 in epel10
2332458 NEW build python-dns-lexicon in epel10
2332459 ON_QA Please branch and build python-pytest-vcr in epel10
2332460 ASSIGNED Please branch and build python-parsedatetime in epel10
2332461 NEW build python-digitalocean in epel10
2332462 NEW build python-jsonpickle for epel10
2332463 NEW Please branch and build python-responses in epel10
2332465 NEW Please branch and build python-feedparser in epel10
2332466 NEW build python-sgmllib3k in epel10
2332467 NEW build python-joblib in epel10
2332565 MODIFIED Please branch and build python-fs in epel10
2332630 ASSIGNED Please branch and build rust-itertools0.11 in epel10
2332638 ASSIGNED Please branch and build python-routes in epel10
2332639 NEW Please branch and build python-repoze-lru in epel10
2332640 NEW Please branch and build python-webtest in epel10
2332650 NEW Please branch and build mimalloc in epel10
2332652 NEW Please branch and build libdwarf in epel10
2332752 NEW Please branch and build python-pyquery in epel10
2332753 ASSIGNED Please branch and build python-tempita in epel10
2332906 ASSIGNED Please branch and build rust-peg in epel10