botan Info

botan was added to epel7 repo on 2014-06-04
Page updated: 2024-04-20 21:14
Repo Status - Overall Status

Source NVR: botan-1.10.17-1.el7 (2017-10-25)

Binary Packages

botan botan-1.10.17-1.el7
botan-devel botan-devel-1.10.17-1.el7
botan-doc botan-doc-1.10.17-1.el7
python2-botan python2-botan-1.10.17-1.el7


1849747 NEW botan: CBC padding operations were not constant time and as a result would leak the length of the plaintext values which were being padded [epel-all]
1934457 NEW CVE-2021-24115 botan: constant-time computations are not used for certain decoding and encoding operations (base32, base58, base64, and hex). [epel-7]
2002828 NEW CVE-2021-40529 botan: ElGamal implementation allows plaintext recovery [epel-7]

Install Failures